Monday, July 25, 2016

ggplot Extensions

If it wasn't clear before now, I'll just come out and say: I'm a huge fan of ggplot! And this week I became an even bigger fan. A friend forwarded a link to the official ggplot extensions page. Several plot types that were hard to generate before, are now extremely easy. New additions include a phylogenetic tree package, a creative time series package (for anyone tired of line plots), a network visualization tool,  and many others. I encourage you to check the extensions page regularly!

Example from the Time Series Extension

ggradar Example

Many of these extensions are not available for download through the RStudio Install Tool, but most are easy to install nonetheless. Here's a quick example getting the ggradar extension up and running.

First step, use the RStudio Install Tool to install "devtools" and "scales" (or, alternatively, run the command 'install.packages("scales")').

Second step, install the ggradar extension from the github repository using the 'devtools::install_github()" command:

devtools::install_github("ricardo-bion/ggradar", dependencies=TRUE)

Lastly, run some example code (available on our bitbucket repo):

And the result will be a fancy radar plot, which required no more than a few key strokes.

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